
dinsdag 3 mei 2011

Time for family!

Last Sunday we went to Apenheul. Thanks to a great discount we got, it is fun to go on a trip when you are a family of five...The weather was great, we got to see a lot of 'the rest of our family' and we took a lot of pictures. I bought a new camera last week (Canon Powershot SX210 IS) and of course I was anxious to try it! We also took my Canon SLR (EOS450D) and even the youngest of our family (3 years old..) knows how to use both camera's! So both camera's switched between all five of us, all the time, which means we got a lot of 'different' pictures...:

Laura loved to eternalize her rice cracker....

Mitchell thought this was fun...(lol)

And this....

Is he trying to tell me something???

The kids gave her the name Kiki...Unfortunately my little monster Laura
stepped on it a few moments later, so R.I.P. Kiki.... 

My all time favorite animal, the silverback gorilla!!

Trying the maximum zoom on my new camera!

Look what flew over our heads and landed in the tree right above my head?
Luckily I was smart enough to step aside immediately...I was apparently sitting under his toilet branch!

Two of my own monkeys!

My own silverback...with his little monkey girl!

Again....with my crazy monkey girl!

Monkey training...

Little monkeys LOOOOVE icecream!

And some inspiration...
We had a great day!


4 opmerkingen:

Marit zei

WAt leuk, zo'n 'inkijkje' in je familiedag! Mooie foto's zitten ertussen! Je zult vast nog veel plezier hebben met je nieuwe camera!!! En die maskers zijn echt te gek!!! (Ik heb een hele map online waarin ik 'masker-foto's' verzamel. Ik heb er al een tijd niet meer naar gekeken, maar dit ziende: ik moet er weer eens induiken geloof ik.

Anoniem zei

Ziet er uit of het een hele leuke dag was Sandra! En natuurlijk perfect om de nieuwe camera uit te proberen!! Mooie foto's zijn het geworden hoor!!

Scrappiness zei

wat een prachtige foto´s heb je van de apen zeg! Zeer benieuwd in welke collage(hoedanigheid) die zullen opduiken :) :)

Andria zei

Those monkeys and gorillas are amazing! Great photos. I should definitely show my 3 year old how to use the camera, and let her give it a try.