I had this picture from a glossy magazine to base my portrait on:
And this is the result after two evenings of sketching:
I sketched it on a big piece of sketchbook paper because my art journal is an altered book...which isn't a very good background to start a first sketch. Still I wanted it to end up in my art journal so I decided to glue it down. I had some drawings of my 3 y.o. daughter Laura lying on my table and that is when I decided to create this spread:
Laura drew a picture of her daddy, one of me and her holding hands and one where we put out our tongue (..lol). I think she can draw very well for a three year old. (She can write her name too!) I loved the drawings so much that I glued them in my journal, wondering if she will still be this creative when she is an adult. Yes, I know what you all will be saying: Of course, with a mom who is creating every day....! ;-)
2 opmerkingen:
jWat is je portret mooi geworden sandra! De scheve ogen hebben iets weg van die mooie heks uit de disneyfilm (hoe-heet-ze? IK vind haar geweldig!!!) Ik vind jouw portret dan ook mooier en meer 'eigen' dan de foto uit het magazine! En de 'kop-poters' van je dochter zijn veelbelovend voor later!!! Geweldig!
You're portrait is great! And the page unique and inspiring!
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